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Found 7 results

  1. Hi everyone, I’m new here! I’ve seen a few other pieces of music shared here, and it seems like the perfect place for me to join in. I’m a French student, and I’ve spent 12 years studying piano at a conservatory. Recently, I’ve started composing, and I feel confident enough about what I’ve created to share it with you. Right now, I don’t have anyone around for active listening, so I have no idea how to assess the quality of my compositions. I’d really appreciate honest feedback (whether it’s theoretical or just based on your feelings) to understand where I stand and how I can improve. I hope you will feel as much emotion listening to it as I did composing it 😀 Thank you in advance for your time and your insights!
  2. Hello guys, long time no see. I have been quite busy and I struggled a lot with this composition, but it is finally over and I came here to share it with all you. ^^ I hope you don't mind me copying the video descrition, I'm to tired to do a custom descrition here. This piece took so long to compose, around 45 hours. The main reason for that was that I got a mental block with it and I couldn't tie two sections of the work. I'm thankful to Carlos Barbé for enlightening me and making realize a couple of key things that I needed to sort out in order to do some progress. This is the last composition I will do for my "Dream Fantasies" set. After some consideration I decided to let the performer decide in what order to play the 3 pieces. I wanted to offer some freedom and let different musicians decide how they understood the whole thing. The piece is filled with lots of references to Nostalgia and A Sleepy Apology, so it can work as a nexus or a summary. This piece in particular is quite abstract, but its main theme is time. What it really means... Unfortunately I couldn't get a better performance because I finished this piece yesterday (31/01/2022-08/04/2022) and the most technically challenging fragment was the last thing I did. So I had vitually no time to properly practice the thing and also the piano where I played is super unbalanced (sometimes you play a key and it doesn't make a sound and in other instances it sounds too loud). But I think at least I got the right mood I had in mind (even though I calculated the piece should have a duriation of around 5' 40", so I played the slow section way too slow, sorry about that haha). Hopefully I will be able to record in my own piano in the near future. Oh, and I played this while having some kind of injury in my feft hand index finger, so yeah haha. And my hand hurted a bit after the loud section with 4ths, I don't know what I'm doing wrong to get injuries so easily. Thank you to everyone who supported me and showed interest. See you soon. 🙂 Also if anyone wants the score send me an email to ivanmusic1886@gmail.com . Although I'm still doing some modifications and even this recording has a detail that I changed in the score (not a big deal tho). Link:
  3. I uncovered this piece from a while back. I'd started it with the intention of it being music for an advert but it grew (by accident, I got carried away) into something bigger. I'm still under the impression it's only really background music. Let me know what you think. This was the last version i put to MP3 so I'm going back through it now to 'clean it up'
  4. First piece that I feel accomplished after writing, any tips or suggestions would be greatly desired, even if the smallest or opinionated things.
  5. Still not great at introductions, so straight into the composition: it's a mixture of atmospheric 'suspense' and semi-horror feels. It's basically one of the least metal/rock - ish creations I have created, having the heaviest part in the end. All opinions will be very appreciated, and hopefully will add up to my overall experience for better creations in the future, hopefully. Enjoy! As mentioned above it's less on the 'Rock' side so I assume this is the right place for it. Also, just for the sake of it, is the video in any way pleasing or immersive?
  6. Writing Music is something I'm still learning this is one of my first attempts at something, I made it easy for myself and kept it very slow. Also my file transfer isn't working so I can only give the audio. I'll figure out how to fix and change as soon as i figure out what F'd up. I'll add what the file looks like if someone knows a fix.
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