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Found 15 results

  1. I was trying to write a sonatina but it ended up a bit too long and difficult. I see this as a weakness as I could not express more with less. Anyway I don't think I go back to this piece again, my style has moved on from this. (although for this piece I tried to made it specifically easy but still failed...) Thanks for discord people encouraging me to share my (not so) old works though, I had more to share in the coming days I think. Edit: actually if you have ways to simplify the musicality and difficulty of the piece I would like to know very much SonatinaA.mid
  2. This is a piece where I experimented with romantic (or perhaps beyond romantic) harmonies. I was going to have a second movement but the materials were too disjointed and was abandoned so now I decided one is enough here. The opening theme is clearly copied inspired by "L'Apprenti sorcier". Again not likely I will ever expand this piece anymore, but good experience nevertheless.
  3. My 3rd piece and, my first time writing a piece in sonata form (sonatina). Wrote this piece originally as a practice piece to gain some grip in the sonata form. Some constructive criticism would be appreciated. (I have been composing for 6 months)
  4. This is the second part of this sonatina. I wonder if in ancient times, there was music made first with pentatonic scales. So this piece uses the In Sen scale in D which is D - Eb - G - A - Bb. .... This is in the right hand all the time (except in two or three phrases where it is harmonized by thirds or sixths and the scale is enriched with other parallel In Sen scale. In the left hand I harmonized freely. Hope somebody enjoys it.
  5. First part of a short sonatina. Called arcaica (ancient) because it uses modes, but also PC set techniques. Played live.
  6. I alredy posted the first movement last year... here is the complete piece. Unfortunately the audio is not good enough to demonstrate the piece. I am looking for guitar duo to a live performance.
  7. last movement of my sonatina for trumpet and piano.
  8. Here is the second movement of my sonatina for trumpet an piano. Played by Michael Brest and Enae Han.
  9. Hi everybody, This is my latest composition made for the Harmonic Extensions adv. assignment by @Monarcheon. Tonal music worked the best and when I read the assignment I immediately thought about sonata form. I noted in the score where I have applied the three new ways of harmonic extensions. Actually I don't really like the music itself, because it sometimes sounds so Beethoven or Mozart-like and sometimes it sounds like later 1850 music. Please tell me what you think. Feedback would be very appreciated! Maarten
  10. In this case, I wanted to use the litlle form of sonatina to non traditional harmonies. The result was a sonatina in canonic style.
  11. Here it is the first, bouncy, movement of a Sonatina in C Major that I wrote a couple of years ago. Nothing too hard but with a couple of nasty spots to play.
  12. My sonatina for flute and piano, In general this piece mix brazilian rhythm like baião, choro and maracatu with some modern techniques of composition.
  13. My first Sonatina for piano. If some pianist want to play it, contact me! Abraço!
  14. This piece is part of project of compose sonatina's with piano for the most part of orchestal instruments. This year I'm working in a sonatina for viola and piano. I hope you enjoy it!
  15. Video that I made for a composition competition for guitar here in Brazil, If some guitarist want to play it, contact me.
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