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  1. Who's up for turning your next birthday into an epic dance party? I've got something electrifying for you – a dance mix of the classic 'Happy Birthday' song! 🎶💥 Here's why you need this dance mix for your birthdays: 🎉 Dance-floor Vibes: This rendition will have you grooving from the first beat, turning your celebration into a high-energy dance fest. 🕺 Get the Party Started: Birthdays are all about fun, and this mix is the ultimate party-starter to make the day unforgettable. 🎁 Birthday Jam: Whether it's your big day or you're planning a surprise, this dance mix adds a unique and funky touch to your festivities. Ready to move and groove? Just hit the video, and let the dance mix take your birthday celebrations to a whole new level! After you've danced your heart out, feel free to share your thoughts. What are your favorite dance moves, and do you have other funky mixes that you love to dance to during special occasions? Let's celebrate with music and keep the good times rolling!
  2. NEW SONG RELEASE! Tonight meet me in the garden "A song about grace and love" Tonight meet me in the garden is a song about grace and love, and about being aware of the desperate and constant need for the Savior. ”In the middle of deep pain, sorrow and walking astray, when one’s faintly burning wick is just about to fade out, when one whom almost given up finally remember his love, the fragrance of flowers returns to life - once again.” ”Would you catch me Mashiach if I fell Would you leave the nintynine If i went astray Would you love a sinner Like me that way” (From the songlyrics) LISTEN ON YOUTUBE MUSICVIDEO https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=KAx6kCjUVRQ Download the song for FREE here: www.mariabencic.com ________________________________ Song title: Tonight meet me in the garden Song written and produced by: Maria Bencic, 2023 Vocals by: Maria Bencic LISTEN ON SOUNDCLOUD (download able)
  3. >>> >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X0dUhGl8eTQ Verse1: Is that really you want, is that really you need, is that really you envy Well I don't think you make it clear Is that really you love, is that really you hate, is that really you enjoy Well I don't think you make it clear Pre-chorus: God knows I'm striving to change a little bit yeah You should've known me better, because that I believe Chorus: I think about you, yes you're my angel Ain't got nothing to lose, if I don't have you Let's take a step back and just dance, you've lived in my heart Come back to me, I'mma do you right and treat you like a queen Verse2: Is that really you appreciate, is that really you admire, is that really you cherish Well I don't think you make it clear Is that really you fancy, is that really you dig, is that really you dream of Well I don't think you make it clear Pre-chorus: God knows I'm striving to change a little bit yeah You should've known me better, because that I believe " https://www.willykuomusic.com/original-music "
  4. Hey, how is everyone doing? Long time since I posted something here. (Also damn, this is my 200th post on this forum!) This time I bring you the result of a pretty interesting art trade I did where I had to compose a piece in a medieval style. Here you have the link: You have a commentary of the piece in the description of the video, and if you have any doubts just leave a comment here. I would appreciate any feedback, I hope you will like it or find it interesting. 🙂 Shares are appreciated too! If you want the final score here you have the link to my upload to Musescore: https://musescore.com/user/31566834/scores/6866952
  5. There is one of my work, a special combination of classic and more elements in one song
  6. My first song, written to a poem by Leopold Staff (a polish poet). I didn't use the whole poem because it's too long.
  7. So I created my own version for The Sixth Station, made by Joe Hasiashi.. I believe it sounds almost the same, and I love it 😄 Hope its worth the shot
  8. Hey this is a song update from a previous version that I've been working on. I was wondering how the solo flows in relation to the parts before in the verse and after in the other verse/bridge.
  9. The strings volume is thrown off from previous loop, was more interested in seeing about the Horns melody and if it blends.
  10. SilverWolf here with my Debut song "Fall on Your Feet".
  11. My very first composed rock ballad https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Cqb2cZqX4Nc
  12. Here is my song to the poem "Im Nebel" by Hermann Hesse. This is the first performance of many and we did not have all the time we wanted to practice it. I hope you enjoy anyways.
  13. Hello, This is my first post on this website. I am a radiologist doctor in Thailand who really loves composing music. This song was originally written as slow ballad music sung in Thai language. Later I made this arranged version. I record this on Sonar. Love to hear your comment. PS. You can also check other works I compose on this soundcloud account! https://soundcloud.com/charat-chukiat/i-cant-forget-you
  14. Hi everyone! Im new in this community and also new in the music industry. I ve been making beats for the last year, but now i try to make it as a rapper. I recorded a new song, and I want some feedback! Thanks! https://soundcloud.com/aroma-mob/5ebba-overheat-prod-by-mors
  15. Hi just did this piece I wanted to do in an 8 bit style and would like to have feedback, Its not finished yet as I want to mess with the dynamics some more but what do you think?
  16. I wanted to create a dark and romantic mood in this song. The lines are short on purpose. I wanted simplicity, going for emotion as opposed to making a statement. I look forward to your feedback.
  17. Hello! You may perhaps have seen the collaboration topic for Theme and Variations on a Dutch folk song ''Sinterklaas is jarig''. Since I don't get any variations, I have decided that the piece is finished now. I want to thank all participants for their submissions, which are all great! It was fun to have so many people submit a variation, so maybe we can do more collaboration projects on the basis of simple songs. Theme: ''Sinterklaas is jarig.'' For more info, see below. I made a mistake by confusing the song ''Sinterklaas is jarig'' with ''Oh! Kom maar eens kijken.'' The latter is incorrect. Variation I. @MusicianXX12 Varation II. @Luis Hernández Variation III. @ilv Variation IV. @MusicianXX12 Variation V. @Maarten Bauer Variation VI. @Maarten Bauer Variation VII. @DirkH Variation VIII. @Aure_liano BACKGROUND INFORMATION The theme is a Dutch / Flemish Saint Nicholas (Sinterklaas) song. ''The feast of Sinterklaas celebrates the name day of Saint Nicholas on 6 December. The feast is celebrated annually with the giving of gifts on St. Nicholas' Eve (5 December) in the northern parts of the Netherlands and on the morning of 6 December, Saint Nicholas Day, in the southern provinces of the Netherlands, as well as Belgium, Luxembourg and northern France (French Flanders, Lorraine and Artois). The tradition is also celebrated in territories of the former Dutch Empire, including Aruba, Bonaire, Curaçao and Suriname.'' (Wikipedia, n.d.). To practise your Dutch, here is a special episode from 2016 when Sinterklaas arrives in Maassluis. The text in this theme (there are many variations) is the following including the translation: Sinterklaas is jarig! 'k Zet mijn schoen vast klaar. Wellicht dat hij hem vol doet met, ja wist ik het maar. Hier zet ik wat water en wat hooi voor 't paard, want dat trouwe beestje is het heus wel waard. It's Sinterklaas' birthday. I'm putting my shoe down already. I hope that he will fit it with, if I only knew... Here I put some water there some hay for the horse, because that faithful animal is really worth it. Sinterklaas is jarig 5.0.mp3 Sinterklaas is jarig 5.0.pdf Best wishes, Maarten
  18. Hi everyone. This is a famous chord progression used in the chorus in pop songs, in the key of C major: F - G - Em - Am - Dm - G - C :|| However, there is a variation of this chord progression. After the repeat, the bass goes as: F# - F - E - Eb - D - G - C Can anyone figure out what are these chords? I'm assuming that they are: F#dim or F#m7-5 - Fm7 - C/E - Ebdim - Dm - G - C Here is an example of the chord progression: Thank you very much!
  19. Hello everybody, It sounds very interesting to me when we have a collaboration project in the form of Theme and Variations. For the ones who don't know what this form is: you compose one or more variations on a stated theme. A clear example is Mozart's Dodici variazioni su 'Ah, vous dirai-je Maman': How does it work? You can compose as many variations on the given theme as you want. There are a few rules / points: Only write for the string quartet (1st violin, 2nd violin, viola, violoncello). Not all variations have to contain all instruments, so you can also compose a variation for string trio (violin, viola, violoncello) or a solo passage. Make sure that the theme is recognizable or at least fragments of it. Every style is accepted: contemporary, classical, Pop, Jazz, minimal etc. Variations may not be longer than 2 minutes. When you have finished a variation, please post it in this topic with the following files. This namely saves a lot time for me to edit the final version. PDF file of the score and; Midi file and; MP3 file. You can be as creative as you want! Theme ''Oh! Kom maar eens kijken!'' Oh! Kom maar eens kijken!.pdf Oh! Kom maar eens kijken!.mp3 Oh! Kom maar eens kijken!.mid If you are interested and want to compose a variation, please sign in for this project by answering yes in the poll above. Good luck! Participants: ----------------------
  20. This artist had a lot of effort creating a song to aid little children who suffer from illness and treated in a special hospital: Ron Nesher need as many views as he can to help these people, please watch the video and enjoy the song! It is in Hebrew by the way, but every profit from the views goes to aid these in need!
  21. Ambivalent Love Song
  22. Two pieces from song cycle I was assigned to write at summer semester at conservatory. Tam pod Salatinom has lyrics for a woman singer but my friend liked the piano so much that he took the liberty to change the lyrics a little bit so he could sing it at concert in our city. The second one is a short song I liked because it was fresh and funny and I learned a lot there about how not to complicate things. The main thing I am looking for in critique would be notes on form and piano stylization. For example I learned that Tam pod Salatinom has hard changes for hand and making it unnecessarily difficult to sight read it and even a little awkward to play it. This summer I am trying to work on my form and developing an idea so I can create more cohesive works. The three stanzas of Tam pod Salatinom are based on the meaning of text so each stanza has different stylization. Also I tried to avoid unison of piano with voice to some extent at least since I find it hard to be at home while doing harmonic background for voice and hearing it how it sounds together. So gotta challenge myself in that I suppose. Any other suggestions? What do you guys got to say on harmonies and the sound overall? Looking forward to reviews. EDIT: Lyrics for the songs. Tam pod Salatinom (There, below Salatin) /Salatín is a mountain in Low Tatras, Slovakia/ There, below Salatín rustles a little green mountain, my beloved told me, my beloved told me, that she does not love me so I put a new feather, so I put a new feather behind my hat and I wonder away la dee da dee, la dee da dee to far far away (into the world) In Biely Potok (White Stream/sort of a village south from the city of Ružomberok/) at Biely Potok they play a music for dancing and there in Martinček (another village near Ružomberok) and there in Martinček people celebrate (Bursujú - have fun, eat and dance mostly in a folkish tradional way) A white goose flew, a white goose flew onto the water and she (the girl) lost her freedom (she got married). Mother, do not cry, mother do not cry oh it will be soon, for at the celebration, for at the celebration a beloved one I shall find I will take her, I will take her on a white horse and I will love her la dee da dee, la dee da dee to the final days. Počkaj diouča (Wait girl) Wait girl I have something to tell you wait girl I have something to tell you Yesterday night you didn't want to open for me neither the doors nor the gate not even talking with me Wait girl for you will regret.
  23. Hello! it has been a while since I've posted something on this site. I want to get the ball rolling again so here is a jazz song in AABA form that I have been working on. Now, I feel as though it may be profitable for myself to post the song/arrangement in increments so that I don't rush the song as a whole and can get detailed feedback on all the content in each section (the principle of focus and fragmentation I guess :P) First of all I am going to post the introduction of the song. (Hence this post) I will provide a lead sheet of the melody/harmony for the rest of the song and a score for the current section I am writing. In other words I think I have written the melody and harmony out sufficiently I just need to arrange it with voicings and counterpoint, etc. With regards to this intro I feel as though my first 8 measures of the intro are interesting with the basic but effective counterpoint and the harmony that flows with it. I am going for a sustained intro that doesn't have support of the hypothetical rhythm section. I'm thinking of adding the rhythm section after the intro ends which I feel is typical and effective in jazz arrangements. My gut tells me that in the second half of the intro the texture spaces out more with practically no counterpoint but I feel it maintains its drive through the concerted/block harmonies. I would gladly appreciate comments on the voice-leading as I am still learning/practicing this. Feel free to prove me wrong and tell me things other than what I am thinking about the piece as I would love for this piece to grow into the next "The Shadow of Your Smile" or "Stella by Starlight", etc.
  24. A re-upload of one of my most recently completed works, a short lied with a viola substituting for a singer. Let me know what you think.
  25. This is my entry for the Shakespeare contest. It's an elegiac song upon the famous Macbeth's soliloquy. Hope you enjoy^^
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