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  1. The music of the Zelda series is some of the most memorable and influential in video games. And in some of the games it even has a prominent role, being incorporated into the gameplay and as part of a cohesive narrative. This is the reason why i wanted to see how it is made and the cultural and game design influences that go into it. This is why I was happy to learn that the actual music from the games made during the Nintendo 64 era (and even beyond!) lives inside the games' ROM files and code. After playing around a with some tools, I managed to get the original music files used. Everything is there, from the instruments used to the instructions on how they should be played, and the note sequences. Now we can get almost perfect reproductions of the music as standard music files. Thus, i decided to do a throughout analysis of the music and get as in-depth as possible into how it is made and what went into the compositions and sound design. For the moment, i just finished the analysis of the two games of the Nintendo 64 era; with the resources, it was easy to make music visualization videos where you can see the exact notes played and all the instrument that go into each of the tracks. you can also check out additional media that helps to point out some aspects of the music. Here is a full playlist with each entry and the analysis; my wish is also to get more contributions and comments about each piece in order to get a complete understanding of the music, along with your thoughts on the tracks: Playlist I hope this will be great to gain more appreciation for the music and a valuable resource for musicians and audio enthusiasts. An extensive investigation went into the music and I’m sure you will find lots of interesting info, specially of you are interested in media composition and how, with limited resources, the composers of the era managed to create the music in older system. I also want to continue with the project and perhaps start incorporating different games and consoles in order to create video game music encyclopedia that can become a good reference for music enthusiasts. There are other classic Nintendo games already in there so if you have other soundtracks where you would like a similar treatment please let me know. The original intention was to do the project in an even more interactive way, something where you can click on the particular set of instruments you want to hear at a time, but I have not found anything out there that can do that. If any of you know some way to do it I would be glad to know. Something like this: https://streamable.com/x73wbt In any case, a lot of care was put into the making of these games and it shows in the music. so i hope you find it interesting. Please tell me what you think and you can ask me any questions about the soundtracks or how video game music was made, I am going to try to dig a little more info. There are interesting tidbits like some of the equipment the composers used and even where they specifically got some of the sounds and inspirations” For example, for Goron City: https://youtu.be/9U2vpsgvdx0?t=103
  2. Hi! 🙂 New guy here, hobbyist composer with barely any musical education. 😅 In the past I've played a bit of piano and more recently tried to learn to play guitar with poor results. 😅 Looking forward to learn from you folks and maybe even collaborate? 🙂 But first things first, I thought it made sense to show where I'm currently at. Here's a demo that I've compiled recently: Essentially, I've collected the best of my drafts which I hesitated to call done, as I usually do, and compiled them into a music demo in order that hopefully makes some sense... I also have a soundcloud account, though it is pretty empty for the reason stated above... 😅 Any tips and suggestions are welcome of course, I'll be hanging around reading and trying to improve. 🙂
  3. I made this composition thinking of a small village in the snow, and I tried to give it some winter feelings. This is my first piece where the time signature change during the song (it goes from 3/4 to 4/4 and then returns to 3/4 quite often), and also my first one with a modulation in it. I Hope you enjoy it! 🙂 The_Bells_In_The_Snow.mp3
  4. Hello there, I joined this forum just today and this is my first time ever sharing my music online 🙂. I'm an italian student (so I'm sorry if I make some english mistake) who likes playing piano and composing in his free time. I started writing music just some months ago and i LOVE it, it's the best way that I have to express myself. I was honestly scared about the idea of sharing my music (and maybe I'm still a bit scared), especially because I listened to some of the compositions in this forum and they are A LOT better than mine. I know my music isn't great, but I really want to improve so in the end I decided to try sharing it. These are three compositions that I made with the same ispiration, the sky, but looking at it in different moments: Midday, Sunset and Midnight. I hope you enjoy it 😅. Midday - Flying Through The Wind.mp3 Sunset - The Painted Sky.mp3 Midnight - An Ocean of Stars.mp3
  5. Hi forum! I'm back, or am I? Had I ever left? This post made by @Zimr Music reminded me of an old piece that I made for a story inside a Minecraft server that I will likely never finish because of the enormous amount of workforce needed, studying, planning, blah, blah, blah. The title says enough about it, I'd say, and I don't want my words to distract you. ♫ Here's the piece ♫ Ancient Pyusisk's mineshaft__noplayer__.mp3 And here's the pdf in case someone wants to check it out: 29 - Ancient Pyusisk's mineshaft.pdf This ambient piece was composed at the end of 2019 if I recall correctly, and that'd be all the info. As always, hope you find it decent! Kind regards, Daniel–Ømicrón. .Div1 { border: 5px outset hsl(52,100%,50%,0.85); border-radius: 1px; margin: 0; background-color: hsl(52,10%,10%,1); color: black; text-align: center; font-family: "CalligraphyFLF",Edwin,Helvetica; width:auto; height:auto; max-width: 600px; max-height: 200px; } .Div2 { display: block; border: 10px outset hsl(52,100%,50%,0.8); border-radius: 1px; margin: 5px; color: white; width:inherit; vertical-align:top; background-color: white; background-image: url(https://i.imgur.com/dbMMjfs.jpg); background-size:60%; background-position: 0% 70%; text-align: left; font-family: "CalligraphyFLF",Edwin,Helvetica; font-size: 140%; height: 115px; } .Div3{ display:inline-block; border: 5px outset hsl(52,100%,35%,0.96); text-align:left; margin: 5px; width:auto; vertical-align:top; background-color: black; } .Div4{ display:inline-block; text-align:center; width:inherit; font-family: "CalligraphyFLF",Edwin,Helvetica; font-size: 100%; } .Img1{ max-height: 90px; max-width: 137px; font-color: white } a.one:link{ text-decoration:none; color: #fff6c6; } a.one:visited{ color: #daff8e; } a.one:hover{ color: #edffc6; } a.one:active{ color: #fff6c6; } audio::-webkit-media-controls{ background-color: hsl(35,100%,8%,0.9); border-radius: 20px; } audio{ height:42px; width: 400px; border: 3px outset hsl(52,100%,35%,0.96); border-radius: 64px; background: #2B2309; } audio::-webkit-media-controls-mute-button { background-color: hsl(47,100%,78%,0.83); border-radius: 20px; margin:0 } audio::-webkit-media-controls-current-time-display { color: hsl(47,100%,78%,1); font-family: "Brock Script", Helvetica; } audio::-webkit-media-controls-time-remaining-display { color: hsl(47,100%,78%,1); font-family: "Brock Script", Helvetica; } audio::-webkit-media-controls-timeline { background-color: hsl(48,100%,78%,0.1); border-radius:25px; margin-left:12px; margin-right:12px; } audio::-webkit-media-controls-volume-slider { background-color: hsl(48,100%,78%,0.1); border-radius:25px; padding-left:6px; padding-right:6px; } audio::-webkit-media-controls-panel { background-color: #2B2309; } audio::-webkit-media-controls-play-button { background-color: hsl(47,100%,78%,0.36); border-radius: 20px; } audio:hover {transform: scale(1.01);filter: drop-shadow(1px 1px 1px #E0FFA1);} p.p1{ font-family:"Edwin",Bitter,'Arial Black'; font-size: 19px; color: #daff8e; margin:0; }
  6. Hi! Nothing fancy today. This is a piece I wrote back in 2019 for a guitar, a violin, a synth and of course, bongos (as well as marching and bass drums). I think this is the right sub-forum to post it, please tell me otherwise. The piece was done for a certain minecraft server I on which have no time to keep working and also and most importantly because it was so long I hadn't composed anything that included bongos. As always, I'm open to feedback, questions, etc, etc. Kind regards and have a nice week ^^!!
  7. This one is different, combining some eastern Japanese/Chinese elements with western stuff.. Could've been some sort of Japanese film/serious soundtrack maybe some anime stuff 😄 There is a good drive on this one, leaded by the Hang Drum.. Have fun 🙂
  8. This is my first venture into composing video game music. I did this for the "7 Days of Video Game Music" composing challenge. (This is a youtube playlist with seven tracks, one for each day of the challenge.) All of the tracks were made in GarageBand, using mainly loops with some of my own elements added throughout.
  9. Long time no see. I was busy with military business, romantic relationships, covid, etc. Now, at long last, I managed to compose a music piece after more than half a year. The piece is based around the coda of the known Bach piece "Toccata and Fugue in Dm", reimagined as a boss fight with three loop-able phases and transitions. Would love to hear your thoughts and opinions. As usual, constructive criticism is most welcome. This piece has no score because I don't think it's perform-able.
  10. Here's the link I would really appreciate it if you could have a listen and let me know your thoughts. Thank you 🙂
  11. What do you think? Feedback is much appreciated! If you enjoyed it consider subscribing to my youtube channel, there are many songs in similar fashion! ^_^
  12. hello guys this is my new song i hope you like it! any criticism is welcome.
  13. Hi, I've created some music to accompany some NASA launch commentary. I'd really appreciate your feedback, thanks! Here it is
  14. hello guys this is my new song i hope you like it! any criticism is welcome.
  15. Hey everyone, just thought I'd present my new album here It's a 13 track album of mostly piano solo pieces, some are accompanied by strings etc. But the focus is piano solo which is why I'm posting here. It'd mean a lot if you could give it a listen! Let me know what you think. Feathersmith. Listen to Time by Feathersmith on #SoundCloud https://soundcloud.com/howard-fletcher-75757721/sets/time
  16. Hey Guys! I'm new here and I'm glad I found this forum. Can't wait to share opinions on composing. I recently took part in the Spitfire Audio | Westworld Composition Competition, where it was needed to create a score for a car chase sequence. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AKu0-OV1CkQ I am deeply influenced by John Williams ( as a modern film composer), Prokofiev, Stravinsky and Debussy ( as the oldest ones 😉) Did some of you participated as well?
  17. Hello everybody ! Me and my friend Alexandra Fojtyik, made a cover of this beautiful song from Game of Thrones. Don't hesitate to give any feedback that you think would be necessary ! Thanks for listening ! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nCtoL6AUtYg
  18. Hey everyone; I'm gonna go straight to the point. I think I have a bit of talent (at least enough to kick off a good enough melody) but I lack the experience and creeativity to extend these. So I have decided to challenge myself (and also get some advice from other, more experienced composers) to make an ambient theme out of some short music I wrote for a friend's character in an rpg we are playing. The music in question is attached, and my idea is to take the leitmotif of her character to make a longer, more calm-sounding, ambient theme that last for a few minutes and reminds the listener of the character in question. This piece is not copyrighted and is not used in any environment that is monetized, and I am just looking for people who want to work with this piece and compare their work to others. My intent is to learn from your pieces how I can make something longer (and to sate my curiosity and see my work altered by others), and I hope you'll like this little song and enjoy working with it!
  19. Hi guys, I recently did a remix of the song Epitaph from Final Fantasy 6 using FL Studio. I tried to give it an electronic spin, and can use some feedback. What did/didn't you like about it? I have a YouTube channel with my remixes. Here's a link to Epitaph: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3BYcPsEQOjs&feature=youtu.be
  20. Hey there, I'm new to this forum ☺️. I just wanted to put my latest work/composition "The Door Beyond" here. It is a mixture of a few old compositions of mine edited with logic pro to one big song. I am excited what you think about it.
  21. Please take a listen tot his short piece I composed & programmed yesterday and give me your honest feedback. Its for a story I thought up. Accompanying Storyline: Whilst searching for California's best waffles, two friends find themselves in a remote town untouched by modern technology called Quantic. A young hand maiden mysteriously dies on the night of their arrival leaving the two friends in a precarious position to prove themselves innocent & help the poor townsfolk, who now believe the arrival of foreigners into their town and the death of the young maiden are signs of the town's inevitable doom as stated in the old town's prophecy.
  22. Hello everyone ! I just wanted to rewrite and reorchestrate by ear this beautiful song from the game Death Stranding, composed by Ludvig Forssell. Let me know what you think about the arrangement, the mix or whatever you want ! Thanks for listenning 🙂
  23. Hello! I just would like to have some feedback on this track I wrote. I wanted to represent a typical traffic jam situation in a very big city. The piece is written for a large woodwind ensemble, piano and percussions.
  24. I lately created this orchestral piece, because I wanted to create something "christmassy" but in a rather spooky approach. It was meant as the soundtrack of krampus (a european demon who punishes the bad kids around christmas time - the bad equivalent of santa or saint nicholas). The soundtrack actually tells the story of how saint nicholas conquered krampus but I don't wanna say more about it. Let me know what you think and what I did wrong in your mind. https://soundcloud.com/kfan45/a-tale-of-krampus-and-saint-nicholas
  25. About half a year ago I admitted to one of my friends: "I haven't composed a thing in a few months! It seems like I just don't have the time for it any more." he told me that I can make a short piece for piano, and I decided to add a twist, thinking to myself: 'I'm going to make a collection of pieces for two people and one piano!" It took a while (half a year apparently), but I now have a collection of seven original pieces for four hands! yey! Now you must be thinking "the hell does he want from me? I came here for an orchestral piece!" Ah! There's a second part for the story! A month ago I decided to experiment with one of the pieces, thinking: "This one sounds like it could fit as an opening to a video game, but it has to be more... orchestral!" I've never written a piece for a full orchestra and now the time has come. Here's what I ask from you, the reviewer (of course, these are just guidelines, you don't have to answer everything): 1. Criticize mainly the orchestration: *Things that made sense to me but wouldn't make sense in a performance (Instruments too quiet, too little of a time to switch between instruments, the Bassoon won't hear the bass well, etc.) *Things that are put in the wrong instrument ("Are you crazy? a Tuba can't make a trill in such a low register! You know what? a Tuba shouldn't make a trill at all!") *Things that are just not written the way I wrote them 2. Criticize it as a composition (I'll upload the original four hands pieces so you can have a look at a simpler version) *Is the melody too much of a cliche? ("That sounds a little like a mix between the Shire theme and a regular fanfare!" [I promise you I didn't have the Shire in mind, I just thought of it about an hour ago and now I'm scared that I'll have to start from scratch]) *Are the harmonies and scales too simple? *Is it too short? (because I've been told that it is, but doesn't really want to make it more than a cute and short fanfare, might change my mind though) *What about the rhythm? Too repetitive to the point it sounds like a loop and not like a fanfare? 3. Tell me whether you think it could fit in an adventure montage in a movie or as an opening for a computer game. 4. For those who are more familiar with my works (If there are any here)... do you recognize the references? Huge thanks in advance! That's the only thing I've been doing on my free time for a month now, would really appreciate some reviews! a Call for Adventure midi.mid
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