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Found 16 results

  1. Hello Everyone, This is a hybrid orchestral space music with symphonic and electronic instruments. I'm curious about your opinion. (If you see a "do not click here" text, don't worry, I'm just testing the click-through rate with this thumbnail. If you don't see it, I replaced it with the original.)
  2. These past few weeks I've been obsessing over this work. It began as an homage to Ligeti and Denisov., which produced this first version. But the thing kept buzzing in my mind and so I intercalated new contrasting sections with a faster tempo. Finally I added some transitional sections. And so this is its first final form. Edit: added the score
  3. Hey, first song I am sharing here, I hope you enjoy and PLS feel free to give me some feedback. YT: https://youtu.be/l2XwqvFK540
  4. Hi everyone! I just wrote this piece for an orchestra that I was thinking could be used as a theme to some kind of sci-fi adventure set in space. Have a listen to it! Any comments and/or feedback are greatly appreciated since I am a self-taught composer! I'll attach the PDF with the score to the post. Here is the piece itself: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y2Z3axY6f_Y Hope you'll enjoy it!
  5. Thanks for your thoughts! On a night of roses, stars bloom overhead. Miles ago and years away, a furnace burst into flame. The fox-bright black births a new point, smaller than a thought, a whisper of light. The universe is breathing, and we, heady moths, drunk on the scent, In and out, in and out.
  6. Here's a personal project of mine. Space is a wonder to me. The first man ever set his foot on the moon 50 years ago. Being a music composer, I wanted to do something for this anniversary. The project got so big and ambitious that I wanted to make a clip for it. And I got lucky when NASA announced that they made their footage copyright free. So I bought video editing software and made my first ever cut. I'm definitely not an editor but I had a lot of fun making this video. Here is the link to the music and video. https://youtu.be/EcvL36-x_Ec
  7. Hello Guys, I had a dream, in my dream I levitated in the outer space. It was very strange, so I decided to, I'm gonna create a song about this experiecne. What do you think? Write me below in comment!
  8. Someone on Discord suggested that I compose a piece about space and stars. Coincidentally, I decided I wanted to try composing something for Concert Band instead of just a hodgepodge of random instruments. I didn't yet feel ready for full orchestra; I wanted to experiment with a larger amount of instruments than I was before, but I needed to figure out how the Concert Band instruments would sound playing the melodies that I had in mind. So I went into Musescore, and it had a Small Concert Band template. I took away the Euphonium because I figured the Tuba was enough. I added in marimba, glockenspiel, etc, because I wanted them to compliment the other instruments and also to add twinkle like the stars. I have about two minutes of the piece so far, and I'm currently trying to figure out where to go with it next. I know that I want the beginning eight notes to reappear later on. I tried a few soundfonts, and decided that the GeneralUser soundfont sounded the best to me.
  9. I uncovered this piece from a while back. I'd started it with the intention of it being music for an advert but it grew (by accident, I got carried away) into something bigger. I'm still under the impression it's only really background music. Let me know what you think. This was the last version i put to MP3 so I'm going back through it now to 'clean it up'
  10. Hi guys, I'm new at this forum and with composing. I wrote a song which i gladly share with you. Hope you enjoy and please feel free to come with critique! Cheers
  11. This music was made using Granular Synthesis, a technique developed at IRCAM, in Paris. It's a method of manipulating audio samples. You could think of it as a microscope that focuses on minute grains of audio, in this case, trumpets. So the sounds rendered are basically defined by how you move and focus the microscope around in the audio. There are other techniques used here as well, like Sampling, Formant Filtering (for choir sounds), Subtractive Waveform Synthesis and good old fashioned overdubbing. Happy star gazing Images courtesy of Spacetelescope.org
  12. I made this track for a spacey sorta album thing I'm working on. I thought I'd use it as the first introduction piece of the album so i wanted it to create the setting of space - vast emptiness and openness. The album is based on the gravitational waves recently discovered so the voice at the end is meant to provide some background. Let me know what you think and feedback would be cool too :)
  13. This is a track from an album I'm creating which outlines the discovery of gravity waves from last year or whenever they were discovered. This track was meant to follow the idea of gravity waves propagating on their journey through space and all of its wonders towards Earth. Let me know what you think and feedback would be cool too :)
  14. My first full-scale orchestral work in album format. Hoping for a European Space Agency sponsored gig later in the year! therosettasuite.space
  15. I'm briefed to design a music school for my last project studio course. We have been given a rough outline of a generic program that we must customize and make more complex. So, I'm asking you for input: what would your ideal music school be like? I'm not asking for specific shapes, organizations or spatial relationships, but more what kind of spaces, activities and interactions you would like to have in your ideal music school. You can post your opinion as student, teacher or general public. Thanks!
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