Hi all,
In music class we had to compose a two minute Choral Speaking work for three voices and perform it. The following names of our classmates formed the text of the composition:
Alex; Alisha; Cilia; Maarten; Simone.
In the last measure ''Meneer Rouschop'' appears. This is our music teacher. . .
The Dutch name for this composition is: Driestemmig Namenspreekkoor, which means that there are three voices (soprano, alto and bass) speaking names.
Because there is no real pitch, when speaking, but there is a difference between low and high, we decided to write high pitches on the high F, normal pitches on the middle B and low pitches on the low E.
Rythm and dynamics are the most important elements in this composition, since there is no real pitch. We tried to develop the three main themes that are introduced in the canon-like section.
Feedback would be very nice!
Maarten Bauer