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Found 8 results

  1. I wrote an arrangement of "The First Noel" for a string quartet I started working on this piece thinking very SATB, very chordal - but as I worked on it, I tried to think of the harmonies in terms of "lines" instead of just chords and I played around with the ranges of the strings. - I am not the best at writing viola parts, so there are some missing sections - if you have any ideas for harmonies let me know - I have looked at the score too long to notice any part-writing errors, so if you spot any, please point them out - I plan to keep working on this, but I think this is a good length for the piece - not TOO long, but long enough for the music to move and expand
  2. 1. Playtime link This is the first movement of six for a string quartet. The entirety of the piece is based on the relationship of four siblings as they grow up, each instrument representing a sibling. The first movement is the birth of the two eldest, hence it being simply a duet. I would love feedback on it and how to make it better. Is it too short? Does it end too abruptly? Does it need more of a recurring theme or melody than it has?
  3. This piece Persia II is a "sequel" to my "Persia" from 2011. Some of you in this forum suggested I'd right a suite or something in that direction, so I decided to try it. I do not want feedback on my old piece (Persia) in the YouTube link. I'm only attaching it so you can listen and hear the connection between the two. - Does this sequel "Persia II" work as a part two? - Will it be playable at written tempo? I want it to be the same tempo as "Persia", so it will feel as a double time. - See what I did with Da Capo? 🙂 Could it work?
  4. With this piece, I wanted to explore the application of the five classical canons of rhetoric to music. These canons serve as an inspiration in some way to each of the movements; here, the first -- invention -- has its own form, and it also relates to "invention" in the musical sense, i.e. two-part counter-point (section F). It is also the literal act of producing material that can be used later in the work; I am still working on the following movements. Let me know your thoughts!
  5. https://flat.io/score/5f24fb35642bf90cb384b02a-melody-ai-piece
  6. Just finished a piece for string ensemble (violins, viola, cello) for fun haha, using a mixture of common harmonic progression and unusual chromatic harmonies. Please feel free to give suggestions (including the name of the piece !)
  7. Here is a piece for seven-part string ensemble about a poem that I wrote. Let me know what you think!
  8. This is an etude in the form of a Rondo. I don't make too much of it except that it addresses the topic a of recent thread here about 'how to introduce asymmetrical phrases into your writing to give it interest and unpredictability, which are pretty much the same thing. The techniques I used are a malleable time signature (2/4), truncation of theme, inversion of theme, pointillism of theme, fooling the listener to hear the strong beats as weak beats and vice verse. And there is something like a Stretto, but not quite. Where the last bar of a line forms the first bar of the next line, effectively melding/confusing a proper cadence with a new line.
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