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Found 9 results

  1. Hi everyone, I’m new here! I’ve seen a few other pieces of music shared here, and it seems like the perfect place for me to join in. I’m a French student, and I’ve spent 12 years studying piano at a conservatory. Recently, I’ve started composing, and I feel confident enough about what I’ve created to share it with you. Right now, I don’t have anyone around for active listening, so I have no idea how to assess the quality of my compositions. I’d really appreciate honest feedback (whether it’s theoretical or just based on your feelings) to understand where I stand and how I can improve. I hope you will feel as much emotion listening to it as I did composing it 😀 Thank you in advance for your time and your insights!
  2. Hi guys, would like to now what you think about the composition. Its hard to say in which direction it realy fits, I would say ambiental-classical. DAW: Cubase 10 Elements VST Instruments: Arturia V Collection, EW Steinway Piano VST Effects: Fabfilter Cheers!!
  3. Eftos


    [Op. 44] Artificial Eftos. Trivy is synthetic.
  4. Hi All! I'm curious to hear others thoughts on this piece I made this past spring. This track features various hardware synths including the Moog Minitaur & the Korg EPS-1, as well as a String Section and Solo Vocalist. Thanks in advance for your insight!
  5. Guest

    The Ghost (Opus 23)

    Hello fellow composers! I'm leaving you with my newest composition - Th Ghost. It is written for piano, small string ensemble, synthesizers, and harp. I literally have no idea what I was thinking when I was writing this piece. I've never used that much dissonance or vague tonality. Partially I wanted to step back from the usual canon patterns that I tend to follow and do something unconventional. At least I've tried. It is a mostly thematic piece. I also had problems with mixing and changing dynamics/panning/EQ - I absolutely hate Logic standard pizzicato strings... Anyways, thank you for listening, and hope you enjoy this small piece just a little bit.
  6. Guest

    Nymph's Sleep (Opus 17)

    A small lullaby thing I did for my Music Production (high school) class. The only objective was to produce a piece that will be exactly 2 minutes (my exceeds 120 seconds, but only because of the delay and reverb - I had to leave two empty bars for the sound to go down). I also tried to experiment with the harmony. It's a bit flexible, balancing between C major/minor and G major/minor. I just wanted to get out of the frame of choosing one key and using it's parallel or relative key. On the other hand, I do not want to write atonal music. Nymph's Sleep is written for two harps, glockenspiel, small string section (violoncellos and bassess), flute and bassoon, celesta, and synthesizers (bell synthesizers with a lot of delay). There is no score for this composition yet. Thank you for listening and let me know whether it's harmonically bearable - I did not study harmony yet.
  7. Blissful Morning (Opus 15, classical version) written for piano, flute, violoncello, and a little dose of synthesizer in the finale. Originally, I planned on adding a toy piano sound, but unfortunately my software (Logic Pro X) doesn't have one. Instead of that, one of the syntheiszer leads has been added. The piece is written in F major entirely. I was trying to not jump too much in the rhythm sections or harmony, since my music teacher advised me to try to stick to one idea - sometimes less is more, and ideal doesn't mean perfect. If you like this version, please check out the electro one available on this site too! Thank you for listening, any helpful hints and comments!
  8. Blissful Morning (Opus 15, synthesizer version) written entirely for synthesizers : lead, chord, pulse, EDM basses and a little dose of percussion pad. The piece is written entirely in F major, and was based on the classical version of the composition written for piano, flute, and violoncello. This was an experiment made only to check the capabilities of my software in the electronic music field. The score is borrowed from the classical version. Thank you for listening, any helpful hints and comments!
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