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Found 12 results

  1. Hello, I'm new here.. ^^ I am music composer, and would like to share my stuff here with you. (Will update current post sometimes). 😉 Compose with a different genres. So here is the one of my piano track from my album 11th album "Dandelion - Piano Session" Thanks for listen, if ever.
  2. Merry Christmas to all of you!!! >>> https://soundcloud.com/user-54415704/jingle-bells-rearranged-christmas-song >>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BaFyYbvUdbs Lyrics: Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride in a in a one-horse open sleigh, hey! We singing altogether on the right side of snowflakes, dear Santa Claus, yeah, just sending me gift In this snowy weather, we should be building up a snowman, laugh never stops, yeah, let's go dance Vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver, what fun it is to ride in a in a one-horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride in a in a one-horse open sleigh, hey! Where you wanna go, I think you might've known, all the presents are hidden underneath the snow Don't mind if I get you wrong, cuz you're holding a mistletoe, now that's fun, I'd kiss your nose Vive le vent, vive le vent, vive le vent d'hiver, what fun it is to ride in a in a one-horse open sleigh Jingle bells, jingle bells, jingle all the way, oh what fun it is to ride in a in a one-horse open sleigh, hey! Vive le vent https://www.willykuomusic.com/
  3. So I had an idea recently that I want to run by everyone here. If I, or any composer for that matter, were to post time-lapse videos of them doing their composing on Youtube, do you think they attract much attention or get many views? Allow me to explain my idea further. Basically the composer would use a screen recording program, like Fraps, to record him writing a piece in his DAW (or Finale/Sibelius, or whatever else you might compose in) from start to finish. Then the footage would be sped up and the audio removed. After that, he would record a commentary track in which he might talk about the piece, music in general, play clips or ideas that he had along the way, or he could even just treat the commentary like a vlog. And of course at the end of the video the completed piece would played. The idea stems from a few different types of videos that I've watched on Youtube. There are "Let's Play" videos where people record themselves playing a video/computer game while commentating; and there are speed-painting videos where artists record themselves drawing something into Photoshop and speed up the footage. I enjoy both of these types of videos, and I thought it might be cool if I could turn composing into more of a visual art by drawing inspiration from them. I'm sure we would all agree that there is something visually appealing about seeing a finished score in Finale or a finished piece in a DAW window with all of its colorful tracks. Also, this was the cheapest way I could think of to make anything resembling a "music video." It's still not free, though. I'd like to get your opinions on the feasibility of this idea before I start considering spending the ~$200 I expect it will cost me to get the materials I need to give this a shot.
  4. Hey! It's a pretty short improvisation but I hope you will get a kick out of it anyway. ;) https://youtu.be/zZMdt0NM6iA Have a good day! Thank you for watching! :)
  5. This is my new Chiptune compilation, I do not have much to elaborate on it, but I can say it was made using Famitracker, and all the basic channels of the "Ricoh 2A03". https://adplay.bandcamp.com/album/power-heart-2a03 If you would like to purchase the compilation then feel free to do so! Any comment, criticism or opinion about this composition is welcomed! I would like to know how did my efforts on this has turned out, though it wasn't much of a work for me I must admit.
  6. A tune suitable for the holidays ... I'd love to get everyone's feedback on this one. It's my first digital recording in a while.
  7. I see an overhead view, from a helicopter or drone, of a city at night, flying low over the tall buildings, with all the lights in the offices and from the car headlights. Scene-setting music. Of course others will hear something different. As always, feedback is welcomed.
  8. I wrote the music for this student film about two years ago now. Not exactly minimalism, but I was required to adhere to very minimalistic composition guidelines.
  9. Hi. Some time ago i found about about live looping and immediately i thought "i have to try it!". For the people who never heard about it, according to Wikipedia, Live Looping "is the recording and playback of a piece of music in real-time [1] using either dedicated hardware devices, called loopers or phrase samplers, or software running on a computer with an audio interface". What does that mean? It basically means that even alone you can play multi-instrument (multi-part) songs, for instance recording (live) the bass line, than recording the some piano harmony and then on top of that start singing. When you finish recording a part it starts playing, so you can create "layers" of musical parts that go together. It lot's of fun!! =) Well, i gave it a try and i loved it. So i even made a little video of me live looping Django Reinhardt's song "Les yeux noirs". Here it is: http://youtu.be/iJKfbpsFyig In the video i make the following loops: - organ harmony - e-upright bass - 2 single not guitar "melodies" - manouche rhythm guitar and then i play the theme of the song and i improvise a little bit =) I would love to know what you think about it. ...and if you like it, you can maybe click the "thumbs up button" for the video! Thanks =)
  10. I think many forum members will enjoy this video explaining a view on twelve-tone music by the inimitable Vi Hart:
  11. Is there a way to quickly make a video of the score scrolling past to accompany its playback? I could painstakingly add print-screened pics at appropriate times, but I wonder if there are more elegant ways? I use standard stuff: Sibelius 7, Windows Media Player Apologies if this has been asked before..
  12. "Vocalise for Nine Voices" - music video Who I am: http://img841.imageshack.us/img841/4224/kotsi1bw.jpg My name is Kostika Çollaku and I'm an independent composer from Thessaloniki, Greece. I am 23 and I compose contemporary classical music. I think it's better to know me through my work so here is a link to my blog were you can listen all my compositions: http://kostikacollaku.blogspot.gr/ What I want to do: I want to shoot a music video to accompany my musical piece 'Vocalise for nine voices'. I want to shoot it in an abandoned factory in Thessaloniki, Greece, that looks like this: http://img4.imageshack.us/img4/8445/iedit.jpg A couple things about the piece: Vocalise was composed from June to September of 2012, to be played on Thessaloniki's Concert Hall on 10th November 2012, amongst classic pieces, in the 25th anniversary concert of the “Mixed Choir of Thessaloniki”. The piece lasts 4min. and 12sec. This drawing of Matthieu Barrère summarizes for me everything the piece is about better than I could put it to words: the thing we call "Life", and it's two key reference points, "Birth" and "Death". http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/1890/birthdeathlifesimplifie.jpg Immediately after the concert I wanted to make a better recording of the piece but this time with nine voices instead of a full choir and a solo baritone, meaning one person per voice. So I gathered nine very talented opera singers from Thessaloniki and we started rehearsals. My goal was to make a good studio recording and a good video clip. On Sunday, December 23th we accomplished the first part, making a pretty good recording of the piece. You can listen to a sample above. The full piece will be available once we get the second part of the goal. This is where you come in! What I need: I need your support to fund the making of the video: money to rent serious, professional equipment like a good camera, rails, lights etc. The shooting is scheduled to take place on Saturday, January 19th, and the video will be ready by the first days of February... with your help. The piece and the video will be freely available on the internet and there will be no proceeds, although you do get some perks of course! The founds needed are a pretty modest sum for a project like this, I think, but we' re content to stick to the absolutely necessary. With Greece stuck in a continuing financial crisis, I think it means a lot to prove that good art can still happen, even under strenuous circumstances, when some see it as a luxury. I do believe realizing this little vision will be a creative stand against the doom and gloom surrounding us. Even more so if you become a part of it. Thank you for your time and your support. Please let me know if you have any questions. Kostika Çollaku Here is the link where you can help the project with a small contribution. http://www.indiegogo.com/vocalisemusicvideo/x/889366
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