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Found 6 results

  1. Here you can listen to my albums for free. Roberto Zini - Classical Essence - Spotify Roberto Zini - Classical Portraits - Spotify Roberto Zini - Classical Fruits - Spotify Roberto Zini - Classical Wonders - Spotify or Roberto Zini - Classical Essence - Deezer Roberto Zini - Classical Portraits - Deezer Roberto Zini - Classical Fruits - Deezer or Roberto Zini - Classical Essence - Youtube Music Roberto Zini - Classical Portraits - Youtube Music Roberto Zini - Classical Fruits - Youtube Music Roberto Zini - Classical Wonders - Youtube Music I hope you enjoy!
  2. Hello, I am looking for an easy way to sell my music (especially sheet music) online, because many people ask for it. Do you know a website or library where I can present and sell my music? If so, please share the link in this topic. There is an advertisement on this forum of the library Tune Bud, but I don't know if this is for music only (sound) or also for sheet music (written). This website works with Paypal and since I didn't have an account yet, I decided to register me at Paypal, but it doesn't recognise my hometown (in Holland). Do you know how I can fix this? I am looking forward to your response! Maarten
  3. Hi everyone! I'm new to the site, just looking to work with some new composers. I run a music studio that offers mock up (recording), orchestration and engraving services. We really enjoy working with new composers and are always excited about taking on new collaborators! Our primary focus is creating realistic recordings of music without the expense of hiring live musicians for session work. We are all composers and know the hassle of getting great quality recordings and we would love to help you guys out. We just launched our new site and are looking at taking on some new projects. So, if you have any projects that you need recorded or published (maybe before school starts in the fall!), please contact us! We would love to work with you! Here is our website: http://silverlingvirtualstudio.weebly.com/ Also note that we offer a 10% academic discount on our orchestration and engraving services. Check out some of our demos and let us know if you'd like us to work on your music next!! Best of luck, Cody Ortz, Founder of Silverling Virtual Studio
  4. The following two paragraphs serve as the introduction to the music sub-section of my website.-Ron ------------------- Music is an art form whose medium is sound and silence. Its common elements are pitch which governs melody and harmony, rhythm and its associated concepts tempo, meter, and articulation), dynamics, and the sonic qualities of timbre and texture. The word derives from a Greek word which, when translated, means "art of the Muses." Although this sub-section of my website is part of popular culture, I deal on this webpage with music in its totality: all forms, all cultures and the history of music. The creation, performance, significance, and even the definition of music all vary according to culture and social context. Music ranges from strictly organized compositions, and their recreation in performance, through improvisational music to aleatoric forms. Music can be divided into genres and subgenres, although the dividing lines and relationships between music genres are often subtle, sometimes open to personal interpretation, and occasionally controversial. Within the arts, music may be classified as a performing art, a fine art, and auditory art. It may also be divided among art music and folk music. There is also a strong connection between music and mathematics. Music may be played and heard live, may be part of a dramatic work or film, or may be recorded. This page of my website is not only about the music of popular culture, but it is also about the total field of music. For more of this introduction to music go to:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Music You can also go to my website at: http://www.ronpriceepoch.com/Music.html
  5. Please take a look at my website it is new, i am wondering about what people think of how it looks. Here is the link: www.jan-kuhr.com Look forward to your thoughts. JAN KUHR
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