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Found 7 results

  1. Six Dances for Wind Quintet -Polka -Minuet -Valse Lente -Siciliano -Landler -Tarantella
  2. why does the wind flow through water why water is flowed by the wind why flows the water in the wind flows the wind through water water flow wind flow why does the wind through water flow why does the wind flow through water why water is flowed by the wind why flows the water in the wind flows the wind through water water flow wind flow THIS IS VERSION TWO OF whydoesthewindthroughwaterflow. ---===((((( https://tinyurl.com/3ezk9vzf )))))===--- (underlying instrument is a solo improvised piano hence placing here)
  3. Hello all, Here is the first movement of my Fantasy in D Minor, scored for pairs of Oboes, Clarinets, Horns and Bassoons. It is written in sonata form, and I tried to share the material between the different instruments. It took me a long time to write - I hope you enjoy it!I - Lento.mp3
  4. This is a music composed for the bassoon, the clarinet, the recorder, the oboe, and the piano. It might seem complicated but it's just a simple piano song rearranged with some additional melodies. enjoy..! By the way, 223 means that it's my 223th melody, but I've completed only about five songs so far..
  5. Here is an arrangement that I am doing for school with a friend.
  6. I am trying to compose something for a orchestra with a lot of wind instruments, wood and brass, and I am not sure if they can actually continuously play, in example, an arpeggio for minutes or something like that, without rests. How long can they play? What are the rules? Or what do you recommend? Thank you.
  7. Hello all, this is the first time I'm attempting a challenge, so if I'm doing something wrong or not allowed, just let me know, I rarely go here :( So, I'm giving composition lessons to a friend of mine, who is a fantastic pianist, and in an effort to try to get him off the piano, and to teach him orchestration, I challenged him to write a wind quintet, by hand, and he must start full score. So, I'm gonna give you this same challenge. Rules: -write a short piece for Wind Quintet (under 4 minutes, for Flute, Oboe, Clarinet, Bassoon and Horn, no doubling to alto flute or anything like that) -you cannot just write for piano then expand it to wind quintet, you must start with full score Points: Orchestration (40 points): How well did you use each of the instruments? How successful were you in using the instruments to create the voice of the piece? Play-ability (35 points): Is it playable? If this were to be sight-read by an actual quintet, how successful would it be? Basically, the easier the better, you want many people to be able to perform this Presentation (10 points): This is too often overlooked, if they can't read it, they can't play it Musicality (15 points): How successful were you in using Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, Form, Dynamics, etc. to create a coherent, interesting, and unique piece? I will give you all the same amount of time I gave my student, around 2 weeks. Remember, it's supposed to be short. If no one can turn it in by the deadline, I'll extend it, but just know that my student, who started composing just this year and is writing his FIRST piece without piano can do it, so don't lose faith! Deadline: June 1 This challenge is aimed towards composers who started off on piano and feels that they are too dependent on their piano skills. This is for those who wish to improve their orchestration skills and to compose from the viewpoint of a composer, rather than a pianist (if that makes sense). I would be fine with judging this piece, but if anyone else wants to, that would be perfect! (Austenite? Sojar Voglar?) Good luck! I hope this challenge will be an excellent opportunity to improve your orchestration skills, as much as it is to improve my teaching skills, I am going to college for music education along with composition so this is a good exercise for me too :) Finally, we get to the most important part, the prize :D I am an All-State level Oboist, and I am now a member of the Oboe studio at Lawrence Conservatory (starting next year, woot!) I will commission the winner to write a piece for solo oboe (and maybe w/ piano accompaniment, although that's kinda against the point of this competition XD) and I will record it to the best quality I can get. I am looking into opportunities to perform over the summer at recitals or competitions, if I find one, I will include your piece in it, basically, I will try my darnest to perform your piece in front of a live audience. ok, I think that's everything, ready, set.... COMPOSE!
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