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Found 11 results

  1. I made this composition thinking of a small village in the snow, and I tried to give it some winter feelings. This is my first piece where the time signature change during the song (it goes from 3/4 to 4/4 and then returns to 3/4 quite often), and also my first one with a modulation in it. I Hope you enjoy it! 🙂 The_Bells_In_The_Snow.mp3
  2. Hello, My brand new piece of music. What do you think?
  3. Winter is such a beautiful season. I composed a piece inspired by it for a trio. Not your typical trio though. Rather, I composed it for flute, violin, and piano. I think these instruments best fit winter, since the flute provides a mellow quality, the violin provides fullness, and the piano, well it sounds good with just about every existing instrument. My piece represents the joy that winter brings. I might later expand on this piece, but right now, it is a dance piece for a trio inspired by winter. I started thinking about this piece about a week ago when I saw snow falling. Because it represents the joy of winter, I decided to write it in E major, one of the most joyful major keys. There is a short C minor moment in there but very quickly a Picardy Third resolves the tension of the C minor into the relaxation of C major. There are a few passages for the flute that essentially amount to a measured cadenza(virtuosic like a cadenza, but with specific note values). When the key signature changes to 1 sharp, what proceeds essentially amounts to a development section primarily based on the B section(the section with the pizzicato). Right before it changes back to 4 sharps, I do a sudden modulation from C major to E major. The coda is short but provides finality to the piece that I don't think would have existed had I just straight up ended with the last measure of the A section. There are a few moments where only 1 or 2 instruments are playing, but for the most part, the whole trio is playing. What do you think of my winter piece?
  4. Hi Everyone, This string quartet was started on a freezing December night last year(2017). I finished the piece this month because I was working on other pieces. (I know it is strange to publish a Winter-themed piece now in summer ) In the first half of the piece, I tried to introduce dissonance to address the seriousness of winter, while trying to make the melody as crystal clear as icebergs. Towards the ending is of much warmth and harmony, which symbolize the end of WInter and the return of Spring. Hope you enjoy the piece! HoYin P.S. I am writing the second movement for the quartet. (Done:D) https://soundcloud.com/hoyin-cheung-1/sets/string-quart-v-winter-2018
  5. YOUNG COMPOSERS COMPETITION EMOTIONS Hi everyone! Last year’s winter competition was a little bit laid back so I thought about doing a similar thing this time. Instead of stories, we’re going to do what artists do best and express our emotions! This may sound like a little bit of a happy-go-lucky competition idea, but it’s simply meant to be relatively freeform, but specific enough where the composer should learn a little bit more about themselves, and the listener should learn a little more about them. I hope you all enjoy looking within yourself and showing us all how your life plays out through emotions… what drives you, motivates you, and forces you away. Let your music do its job! ELIGIBILITY: *You must be a member of the Young Composers forum in order to enter. Sign ups will be in the comments below. *There will again be no limits to instrumentation, but a smaller ensemble is encouraged, for a more personal feeling. Extra points will not be given for smaller ensembles. *The minimum length for this competition will be 6 minutes. The maximum is 30 minutes. *You must have some sort of audio rendition accompanying your work, otherwise your entry will be disqualified. *A score is required, but is not as heavy a focus as previous competitions. If you want to enter and are not proficient at engraving, message @Monarcheon. *If you volunteer to be a judge, you may not enter as a contest participant. *Entrants should have an intermediate understanding of engraving and orchestration. *Entrants may only submit one work. RULES AND SCORING: Submit a score that represents and answers the following questions: “How does this emotion feel within me?” | “How do I outwardly express this emotion?” Competitors are expected to deal with at least 3 emotions throughout the piece. This can either be in programmatic sections or in one arc-like movement. Here, much like last time, you will be judged on your ability to effectively develop thematic material (/25), and your ability to answer the two questions in such a way where the audience can understand it (/25). The more technically based compositional aspects are judged here. These aspects include score quality (/10), audio file quality (/10), and orchestration (/15). Finally, submit a written component answering the above two questions for every emotion you deal with in the piece (/15). This should include what techniques you used to demonstrate certain aspects of each, keys, styles, or anything else you feel is prudent. You are graded on how easy it is to match your written description and you piece. TOTAL: /100 Deadline for Intended Entry: March 10th Deadline for Piece Entry: March 17th Scoring Deadline: March 20th PRIZES: All entrants receive detailed feedback on their works. The winner’s piece will be placed in the YC Competition Hall of Fame. It is possible that winners receive a full year’s subscription compensation to Sibelius, but we are still working on that (THIS FINAL PRIZE IS NOT GUARANTEED). HAVE FUN WITH THIS!! Good luck! Judges: @Monarcheon @MusicianXX12 Entrants: @oingo86 @Noah Brode @Rabbival507 @Gustav Johnson @celloman99 @Some Guy That writes Music
  6. Hi everyone, I am inspired by the cold weather today, so I jot down some notes here. How would you comment this short excerpt? Thank you. HoYin
  7. Disclaimer by Monarcheon: Congratulations and thank you to all competitors who put so much time and effort into their works. While we do prescribe winners for our competitions, it is so important to recognize the communal event’s purpose of having everyone strive to be their very best. There was no work submitted without merit and it was a pleasure to honor all submissions with my humble opinion. Disclaimer by danishali903: Congrats to all who participated! It was very entertaining to read your stories and hear your music. Since I've been busy for the past few months, my reviews are a little less detailed than they usually are for competitions. If you have any questions regarding your scores, or need more clarification about anything, please don't hesitate to PM me. ADRIAN QUINCE: danishali903: 94 Monarcheon: 85 GRAND TOTAL: 179/230 SENI-G: danishali903: 85 Monarcheon: 75 GRAND TOTAL: 160/230 SEBASTIANVIOLA: danishali903: 79 Monarcheon: 71 GRAND TOTAL: 150/230 CONNOR_HELMS: danishali903: 72 Monarcheon: 75.5 GRAND TOTAL: 147.5/230 NOAH BRODE: danishali903: 73 Monarcheon: 70 GRAND TOTAL: 143/230 CONGRATULATIONS ADRIAN QUINCE!
  8. YC Competition: Winter 2017 “…tell me a story…” Hello all, and welcome to the next YC competition! What better way to start off the new year than with some healthy competition? I’m looking forward to great new works from all of you and hopefully, more of you, too! To celebrate the new year, I thought we should all write some stories! We’re going to be writing very programmatic music for this season and I can’t wait to be taken on so many journeys! I’ve kept the theme very general this time so we can see all sorts of takes on so many different life experiences, biographies, fables, adventures, and more! More than anything, this should be a pretty calm and fun competition amongst a community. Eligibility to compete will remain the same: ELIGIBILITY: *You must be a member of the Young Composers forum in order to enter. Sign ups will be in the comments below. *There will again be no limits to instrumentation. *The minimum length for this competition will be the same as last time: 6 minutes. The maximum will also stay the same at 20 minutes. *You must have some sort of audio rendition accompanying your work, otherwise your entry will be disqualified. *If you volunteer to be a judge, you may not enter as a contest participant. *Entrants should have an intermediate understanding of engraving and orchestration… this is another major focus of the competition. The rules, however, are not: RULES AND SCORING: Submit a score that represents a story of your choosing. This can be about your own life, someone else's life, a well known story, or anything in between. It simply needs an arc, as does your music. This can be loosely interpreted; one can have many movements with a portion of the story in each, or one long movement or overture that tells the whole thing. You will be judged on orchestration (/25), the ability to tell the composer’s intent through clear programmatic writing (/30), and the clear development of thematic material (/25). Score quality is also taken into account (/15). Submit a written version of the story with words. This is not optional. This written piece should explain each portion of the music and what is intended on being told. This needn’t be so incredibly detailed, but should offer unique insight on the composer’s vision. Even well-known stories require explanation (/10). Submit an audio recording of your work for the judges to follow the score with. You’ll be graded on audio quality (/10). TOTAL: /115 DATES: Entry Intent: March 10th Entry Deadline: March 19th Judge’s Scores: March 23nd Results: March 24rd Signal your intent to have an entry ready by leaving a comment to this thread. Good luck to all; I look forward to reading and hearing your stories! JUDGES: 1. danishali903 2. Monarcheon ENTRANTS: 1. Noah Brode 2. Austenite 3. Seni-G 4. Ken320 5. Jotaa45 6. RefinedRedneck 7. Connor_Helms 8. Adrian Quince 9. SebastianViola
  9. Please post LINKS to your submission for the Winter 2017 Story Competition here. Your deadline to post is March 18th. 1. Post your piece in the appropriate forum. 2. Place the link into this thread. Here are the guidelines, as a checklist for you. RULES AND SCORING: Submit a score that represents a story of your choosing. This can be about your own life, someone else's life, a well known story, or anything in between. It simply needs an arc, as does your music. This can be loosely interpreted; one can have many movements with a portion of the story in each, or one long movement or overture that tells the whole thing. You will be judged on orchestration (/25), the ability to tell the composer’s intent through clear programmatic writing (/30), and the clear development of thematic material (/25). Score quality is also taken into account (/15). Submit a written version of the story with words. This is not optional. This written piece should explain each portion of the music and what is intended on being told. This needn’t be so incredibly detailed, but should offer unique insight on the composer’s vision. Even well-known stories require explanation (/10). Submit an audio recording of your work for the judges to follow the score with. You’ll be graded on audio quality (/10).
  10. Hi all, I received some interesting feedback on my Melody for piano ''Winter''. One of the comments was by @Gustav Johnson. He encouraged me to compose a suite based on the seasons (Dutch: Seizoenen). The Suite is called Piano Suite ''Seizoenen.'' The Winter is the first movement and can be found here: http://www.youngcomposers.com/t34743/melody-for-piano-winter/#play.The Lente (Spring) is the second movement. I tried to imitate typical Spring elements, such as whistling birds and animals that wake up from hibernation. Feedback would be very nice! Kind regards, Maarten
  11. Hi all, Today, I finished this Melody for solo Piano. I am trying to develop my own ''voice'' and ''identity'' in music composition and I think I am on the right way... As the title is called, the inspiration of this composition is the Winter. Of course in the Dutch style: ice skating, Unox sausage, Boerenkool etc. Feedback and comment would make my Winter even better! Kind regards, Maarten
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