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Found 8 results

  1. Good evening! Here is a short woodwind duet in sonata form I wrote a few years ago with a new video on YouTube, hope you like it! YouTube video
  2. So I had an idea recently that I want to run by everyone here. If I, or any composer for that matter, were to post time-lapse videos of them doing their composing on Youtube, do you think they attract much attention or get many views? Allow me to explain my idea further. Basically the composer would use a screen recording program, like Fraps, to record him writing a piece in his DAW (or Finale/Sibelius, or whatever else you might compose in) from start to finish. Then the footage would be sped up and the audio removed. After that, he would record a commentary track in which he might talk about the piece, music in general, play clips or ideas that he had along the way, or he could even just treat the commentary like a vlog. And of course at the end of the video the completed piece would played. The idea stems from a few different types of videos that I've watched on Youtube. There are "Let's Play" videos where people record themselves playing a video/computer game while commentating; and there are speed-painting videos where artists record themselves drawing something into Photoshop and speed up the footage. I enjoy both of these types of videos, and I thought it might be cool if I could turn composing into more of a visual art by drawing inspiration from them. I'm sure we would all agree that there is something visually appealing about seeing a finished score in Finale or a finished piece in a DAW window with all of its colorful tracks. Also, this was the cheapest way I could think of to make anything resembling a "music video." It's still not free, though. I'd like to get your opinions on the feasibility of this idea before I start considering spending the ~$200 I expect it will cost me to get the materials I need to give this a shot.
  3. hello guys! this is my new song! i hope you like it! any criticism is welcome!
  4. Original Piano Piece Good Evening guys and gals, I'm new here, and my name is Artie I composed this little diddy a while ago for a fan community that I like. I know it isn't really good quality, but it's my first time putting myself out there like this. So, if you can view it, maybe comment there on Youtube,or here and give me some criticism. Bearing in mind, again its my first and as of yet only attempt at publishing me playing piano. A Diamond Shattered: SU fan piece Thanks again for the support, and I hope to hear something soon. ~Artie
  5. Hello im novice composer from Argentina and i share with you one of my works. i accept critisisms, they help me improve and i hope you like it.
  6. Tell me what you think, maybe?https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=WaI7ARP4GF0
  7. There is a cool Classical Guitar Competition going on on Youtube until April 30th 2017. It is free to enter. All you need to do is record at least one of the "3 Short Pieces" and upload it to your YouTube Channel. You can download the Scores (free!) and the rules (to see how to enter and how to earn points) here: Scores (free) and Rules If you enter, let us know. We would love to see your videos. Have fun! =)
  8. I think many forum members will enjoy this video explaining a view on twelve-tone music by the inimitable Vi Hart:
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